Who am I and what is this geekiness all about?

I was a PhD student in something that was not physics. Because I am a physics moron. I once cried because of a physics class. Okay, I was 16 and it had more to do with a boy, but there were tears and a physics class.

This blog is an experiment in my own ability to keep up with something on a regular basis. Goldfish are a lot of trouble. If the blog dies, I won’t feel guilty about it. But I’m going to try. And I’m hoping it’ll help me in the long run. I tend to ramble and get off on tangents. I need to stop doing that, so here’s my best effort.

I will borrow heavily from: history, music, sports, theatre, photography, pop culture, travel, beer, ships, books, language, space, and religion.

And physics.

(What can I say, the story comes around in the end. Not in any Hollywood ending kind of a way,  but at least the word can be spoken in my presence again.)

The long and short of it? I like to know stuff; this is me learning stuff.

5 thoughts on “Who am I and what is this geekiness all about?

  1. Cool stuff, I’m jealous. I wish I had the discipline to write something down everyday. Excited to learn some random ass stuff. Also I gave http://www.redsox.com as the website so you could see how an organization is brought up to win as opposed to your sorrowful Orioles.


    West Coast Family

  2. Bruce says:

    It has not been 86 years since the Orioles won the World series has it? Wasn’t it that long between World series for the Red Sox. And who are the World Champions now Clark?? Not the Red Sox as I recall.

    Orioles last WS championship was 1983. and since 1918 they have won 3 World Series and the Red Sox only 2.

  3. rita says:

    hey, girl! congrats on your blog… and good luck on its progress. looks like you’re doing good updating.

    anyhoodles, hope you can visit our corner before flying off, somewhere. jim says, “hi!”, by the way.

    take care and hugs

  4. slowpot says:

    Wow! Hope you keep it up!

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